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Curb Your Enthusiasm - S01E01 - The Pants Tent
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Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
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Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot
Curb Your Enthusiasm S01E01 Screenshot

Curb Your Enthusiasm season 1 episode 1

The Pants Tent

Larry goes to the movies with one of Cheryl's friends and his pants have an unusual bulge in them, making him look like he's having an erection.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm / S01E01 : The Pants Tent
Season 1, Episode 1 | Aired on October 15, 2000 | TV-MA | 30 min. | HBO
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Curb Your Enthusiasm season 1 episode 1 Recap and FAQ


Episode Summary

Larry struggles with his pants, creating an awkward bulge, and ends up going to a movie with Nancy, his wife's friend. At the theater, he offends a woman and Richard Lewis's girlfriend, Sofia. Nancy mistakenly believes Larry is aroused by her. Meanwhile, Larry accidentally calls Jeff's wife "Hitler" in front of Jeff's parents, leading to a series of apologies and cover-ups. The episode culminates in a chaotic dinner at a restaurant, where misunderstandings and tensions reach a peak among Larry, his friends, and family.

Full Episode S01E01 Recap

### Scene 1: Larry's Wardrobe Malfunction - Larry shows Cheryl a problem with his pants causing a "bunch-up." - Cheryl thinks it's inappropriate for Larry to walk around looking like he constantly has an erection. ### Scene 2: Movie Plans and Yoga Conflict - Larry wants to see a Dustin Hoffman movie, but Cheryl has yoga. - Larry calls Richard Lewis for company, who agrees to go but already has a date. ### Scene 3: Larry's Unexpected Movie Date - Cheryl's friend Nancy is suggested as a movie companion for Larry. - Despite initial reluctance, Larry agrees to go to the movie with Nancy. ### Scene 4: Larry's Phone Call with Jeff - Larry discusses his annoyance with Nancy and movie plans with his manager, Jeff, who's in a car with his parents. - Larry accidentally mentions "Hitler," unaware Jeff's parents are listening. ### Scene 5: Larry's Encounter at the Movies - Larry struggles to get to his seat, accidentally looking at a woman's breasts, causing a scene. - He meets Richard Lewis's girlfriend Sofia and her friend Nancy at the movie. ### Scene 6: Post-Movie Discussions and Misunderstandings - The group discusses the movie and plans for coffee. - Larry refuses coffee and makes a joke comparing himself to Himmler, offending Sofia. ### Scene 7: Larry and Cheryl Discuss the "Tent" - At home, Larry tells Cheryl that Nancy might think he was aroused during the movie. - Cheryl is skeptical but intrigued by Larry's theory. ### Scene 8: Larry's Altercation with Sofia - Larry recounts a fight with Sofia before the movie, leading to the cancellation of their Saturday dinner plans. ### Scene 9: Jeff's Apology and Larry's Solution - Jeff apologizes to Larry over the phone for the earlier "Hitler" comment. - Larry and Jeff fabricate a story about a pilot for Kathy Griffin as the reason for Jeff's apology. ### Scene 10: Confrontation with Nancy - Cheryl confronts Larry about Nancy's perception of being aroused. - Larry is bewildered and denies any arousal, blaming his pants. ### Scene 11: Dinner Reservation Trouble - Larry and Cheryl face issues with their dinner reservation at Mama's Boy. - They end up joining Jeff and his family after a failed attempt to use Larry's Seinfeld fame. ### Scene 12: Larry's Apology to Jeff's Parents - Larry apologizes to Jeff's parents for the "Hitler" comment. - He awkwardly navigates the situation, trying to make amends. ### Scene 13: Uncomfortable Dinner at Mama's Boy - At dinner, Kathy Griffin unexpectedly appears, discussing a potential pilot with Larry. - Jeff's parents make comments about Kathy, ending the scene on an awkward note.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was Larry's wardrobe problem?

Larry had a problem with his pants causing a "bunch-up" that made it look like he had an erection.

Who did Larry originally plan to see the movie with?

Larry originally planned to see the movie with Richard Lewis.

Why did Cheryl not go to the movie with Larry?

Cheryl had a yoga class.

Who did Larry end up going to the movie with?

Larry ended up going to the movie with Nancy, Cheryl's friend.

What was the misunderstanding at the movie theater?

There was a misunderstanding where Nancy thought Larry was aroused because of the way his pants bunched up.

What movie did Larry and his companions see?

They saw a Dustin Hoffman movie.

Who was in the car with Jeff during his phone call with Larry?

Jeff's parents were in the car during the call.

What comment did Larry make that upset Jeff's parents?

Larry made a comment referring to "Hitler," which upset Jeff's parents.

What was the reason for Jeff's apology to Larry?

Jeff apologized for the misunderstanding caused by Larry's "Hitler" comment being overheard by his parents.

Why were Larry and Cheryl's dinner plans with Richard Lewis canceled?

The plans were canceled due to an altercation between Larry and Richard Lewis's girlfriend, Sofia.

What story did Larry and Jeff fabricate for Jeff's apology?

They fabricated a story about Kathy Griffin wanting Larry to write a pilot for her, which Jeff declined without consulting Larry.

How did Larry try to use his Seinfeld fame at the restaurant?

Larry's wife, Cheryl, suggested he mention his Seinfeld fame to get a table at the restaurant, but

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