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Stranger Things

Stranger Things

2016 - Now  •  Fridays 03:00 AM on Netflix  •  30 hours  •  4 seasons  •  35 episodes
4326 votes
1341337 votes
# 147
Drama, Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Suspense, Adventure, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
In 1980s Indiana, a group of young friends witness supernatural forces and secret government exploits. As they search for answers, the children unravel a series of extraordinary mysteries.
  Previously Aired Episode
Chapter Nine: The Piggyback Aired on 07/01/2022
Chapter Nine: The Piggyback
Season 4: Episode 9
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Chapter One: The Crawl
Season 5: Episode 1
Stranger Things | Official Final Trailer
Sub Genres: monster, telekinesis, psychological thriller, government conspiracy, missing child, missing person, experiment, 1980s, parallel world, supernatural, friendship, love triangle, redemption, computer nerd, halloween, cheerleading, chief of police, superhero kids, teen romance, supernatural horror, family tension, drug scene, skateboarding, evil corporation... more
Air Date: 07/15/2016 - Now
Country: United States of America (US)
Language: English (EN)
Age Rating:
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  • Season 4
Last Ep. aired on Friday 07/01/2022
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Ceres Moon
Ceres Moon 7 years ago
Best serie that have happened 2016.
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Azmarine Ceres Moon 1 year ago
I think, Stranger Things was my first show. When I first created my Netflix Account.

I feel both excited and emotionally sad to know that it is coming to an end after Season 5.
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Tutorial Bot
Tutorial Bot 1 year ago
Stranger Things Season 5
The "Stranger Things" writers' room has officially started working on the fifth and final season of the hit Netflix show. This means that the people of Hawkins are one step closer to their final battle.

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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the significance of the "NeverEnding Story" song in Stranger Things?
In season 3 of Stranger Things, there is a memorable scene where Dustin and Suzie sing a duet of the "NeverEnding Story" theme song. While the scene may seem like a fun and lighthearted moment, it actually holds some significance for the show's overall themes and characters.

Here are a few reasons why the "NeverEnding Story" moment is significant:

- Nostalgia: One of the hallmarks of Stranger Things is its use of nostalgia to capture a sense of the 1980s. The "NeverEnding Story" song was a popular tune from the 1984 film of the same name, so its inclusion in the show further reinforces the nostalgic vibe.

- Character Development: The duet between Dustin and Suzie shows the close bond between the two characters and highlights their shared love of nerdy interests. It also shows that even in the midst of a dangerous and intense situation, they can still find joy in something as simple as singing a song together.

- Humor: While Stranger Things often deals with serious and dark themes, the "NeverEnding Story" moment injects some much-needed humor into the show. It's a moment of levity that allows viewers to take a breather from the tension and enjoy a fun and silly scene.

- Foreshadowing: The lyrics of the "NeverEnding Story" song contain themes of perseverance and hope, which are central to the overall story of Stranger Things. The show's characters are constantly facing adversity and danger, but they never give up hope of defeating the forces of evil. The song's inclusion may be a subtle nod to this idea and could be seen as foreshadowing for the challenges the characters will face in future seasons.

- Memorable Moment: Ultimately, the "NeverEnding Story" duet is a standout moment in Stranger Things that fans have embraced and celebrated. It's a reminder that even in a show filled with darkness and danger, there can still be moments of joy, humor, and nostalgia that resonate with audiences.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the connection between Billy and the Mind Flayer in Stranger Things?
In the second season of Stranger Things, it is revealed that the Mind Flayer has taken an interest in Billy Hargrove, a new character who moves to Hawkins, Indiana with his family. While Billy initially appears to be a typical bully, it is later revealed that he has a difficult home life, with an abusive father, which may explain his aggressive behavior.

Here are some of the connections between Billy and the Mind Flayer:

- The Mind Flayer uses Billy as a pawn: The Mind Flayer begins to exert its influence over Billy, using him as a vessel to carry out its plans. It is suggested that the Mind Flayer sees something in Billy that makes him a useful tool in its quest to take over the town.

- Billy becomes possessed: After being knocked unconscious by Eleven, Billy is taken to the Mind Flayer's lair, where he is possessed by the creature. This allows the Mind Flayer to use Billy's physical strength and aggressive tendencies to attack the other characters.

- Billy is connected to the Upside Down: In season 3, it is revealed that Billy has had a connection to the Upside Down since he was a child. He has had visions of the Mind Flayer and the Upside Down throughout his life, which may explain why he is such an important target for the creature.

- The Mind Flayer uses Billy to attack Eleven: The Mind Flayer uses Billy to lure Eleven into a trap, knowing that she is one of the only characters who can stop it. In the end, it is Eleven's love for Billy that allows her to break through the Mind Flayer's hold on him and save the day.

Overall, the connection between Billy and the Mind Flayer is a complex one, with the creature using him as a pawn to carry out its plans. However, Billy's own struggles and difficult past make him a sympathetic character, and his redemption in the final season of the show is a powerful moment.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the significance of the number 011 in Stranger Things?
In Stranger Things, the number 011 refers to the character Eleven, who is a young girl with psychokinetic abilities.

Here are some of the significant connections with the number 011 in the show:

- Eleven's nickname: Eleven's original name was Jane, but she was given the nickname "Eleven" because of the number tattooed on her wrist. This number is also used to refer to her by her handlers at Hawkins Lab.

- Room 011: Eleven is kept in a room labeled "011" at Hawkins Lab where she is subjected to cruel experiments and testing to enhance her psychic abilities.

- Teleportation: Eleven is shown to be able to access a different dimension called the Upside Down through sensory deprivation tanks. The code for the tank used to enter the Upside Down is 011.

- The Mind Flayer: In the second season, it is revealed that the Mind Flayer, a malevolent entity from the Upside Down, has been observing Eleven since she first made contact with the other dimension. The Mind Flayer is referred to as "the shadow monster," which could be interpreted as a reference to Eleven's nickname and the number 011.

- Other characters: There are also a few instances where the number 011 appears in connection with other characters in the show. For example, when Nancy and Jonathan visit Murray Bauman's house, his door number is 011.

Overall, the number 011 is a significant symbol in Stranger Things that represents Eleven and her connection to the Upside Down. It also serves as a reminder of the cruelty and experimentation she endured at Hawkins Lab.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Who is Dr. Martin Brenner in Stranger Things?
Dr. Martin Brenner is a major character in the first season of Stranger Things. He is a scientist who works for the Hawkins National Laboratory, and is in charge of the experiments involving Eleven and the other children with psychic abilities.

Here are some important details about his character:

- Brenner is a brilliant scientist who is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He is willing to experiment on children, use unethical methods, and even resort to violence in order to achieve his objectives.

- Brenner is responsible for the creation of Eleven, who he sees as a weapon that can be used for the government's purposes. He is also responsible for the abduction of other children with psychic abilities, who are subjected to cruel experiments in the laboratory.

- Brenner is portrayed as a cold and calculating individual, who is always in control of his emotions. He is often seen smoking a cigarette, which adds to his mysterious and enigmatic personality.

- Brenner has a complex relationship with Eleven, who he sees as both a scientific achievement and a daughter figure. He tries to manipulate and control her, but also shows signs of affection towards her.

- Brenner meets his demise in the first season, when he is attacked and presumably killed by the monster from the Upside Down. However, it is hinted that he may still be alive in later seasons.

Overall, Dr. Brenner is an important and complex character in the Stranger Things universe, whose actions have far-reaching consequences for the other characters.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the Shadow Monster in Stranger Things?
The Shadow Monster is a creature from the Upside Down in the Netflix series, Stranger Things. It is also referred to as the Mind Flayer or the Shadow Being.

Here are some key details about the Shadow Monster:

- Origin: The Shadow Monster is a mysterious entity that resides in the Upside Down, a dark and dangerous parallel dimension. It is not clear where the Shadow Monster came from or how it was created, but it seems to have been present in the Upside Down for a long time.

- Abilities: The Shadow Monster is a powerful psychic creature that can control the minds of its victims, including humans and creatures from the Upside Down. It is also able to create a hive mind, allowing it to control multiple creatures at once. The Shadow Monster can also possess humans and use them as vessels.

- Appearance: The Shadow Monster is a massive, shadowy creature that resembles a spider. Its body is made up of shadowy tendrils that extend out in all directions. Its face is obscured by darkness, and it has glowing red eyes that seem to pierce through its victims.

- Goals: The Shadow Monster's ultimate goal is to spread its influence to the real world and take over. It first tries to accomplish this by possessing Will Byers, a young boy from the town of Hawkins. Later, it attempts to create a portal to the real world using the tunnels it has created in the underground of Hawkins.

- Defeat: The Shadow Monster is defeated at the end of season two when Eleven closes the portal to the Upside Down using her psychic powers. However, it is hinted that the Shadow Monster may still be alive and plotting its revenge in future seasons.

Overall, the Shadow Monster is a terrifying and formidable antagonist in Stranger Things, and its presence in the show adds an extra layer of mystery and horror to the already intense storyline.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Who is Bob Newby in Stranger Things?
Bob Newby is a character in the second season of Stranger Things. He is played by actor Sean Astin. Bob is introduced as a former high school classmate of Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper who works as a manager at the local RadioShack. He begins dating Joyce and quickly becomes a father figure to her sons, Jonathan and Will.

Here are some key facts about Bob Newby in Stranger Things:

- Bob is known for his intelligence and computer skills, which prove to be helpful when dealing with the supernatural threats in Hawkins. He helps to decode a message from Will that is connected to the Upside Down and provides crucial information that aids the characters in their battle against the Mind Flayer.

- Bob is depicted as a caring and nurturing character, particularly towards Joyce and her sons. He goes out of his way to help them and often puts their needs before his own.

- Despite his good intentions, Bob's fate in Stranger Things is tragic. In the episode "The Mind Flayer," Bob is killed by a pack of Demodogs while trying to help Joyce and the others escape from Hawkins Lab.

- Bob's death has a significant impact on the characters in Stranger Things. Joyce, Jonathan, and Will are deeply affected by his loss, and his death is one of the key emotional moments of the season.

- Bob's character has been praised by fans and critics alike for his likability and heroic qualities. Many viewers were saddened by his death and felt that he deserved a better fate.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What happened to Barb in Stranger Things?
Barbara "Barb" Holland was a recurring character in the first season of the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things. Barb was a friend of Nancy Wheeler, one of the main characters, and was portrayed as a responsible, caring, and loyal friend. She was introduced in the first episode of the series and quickly became a fan favorite. However, her character was abruptly killed off, leaving fans wondering what happened to her.

Here are some details on what happened to Barb in Stranger Things:

- In the second episode of the series, Barb accompanies Nancy to a party at Steve Harrington's house. Barb is shown as a reluctant participant in the party, and is frustrated with Nancy for leaving her alone.

- While sitting by the pool, Barb is dragged into the Upside Down by the Demogorgon, a monster from another dimension that is terrorizing the town of Hawkins.

- Nancy realizes that Barb is missing and begins to search for her, but is unable to find any clues to her whereabouts.

- Later in the season, it is revealed that Barb has been killed by the Demogorgon, and her body is discovered in the Upside Down by the character Jim Hopper.

- Despite being a minor character, Barb's death has a significant impact on the other characters in the series, especially Nancy, who feels guilty for leaving her friend alone at the party.

Overall, Barb's death serves as a plot device to further the story and add to the mystery and horror of the series. While her character was short-lived, she has become a fan favorite and has left a lasting impression on viewers.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the relationship between Steve and Nancy in Stranger Things?
Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler's relationship in Stranger Things is an important storyline throughout the show's first two seasons. At the start of the series, Nancy is dating her popular and charismatic high school boyfriend, Steve, while also harboring a crush on Jonathan Byers, the introverted older brother of her best friend, Will.

Here are some of the key points in their relationship:

- Early on in the series, Steve is portrayed as the typical high school jock who is more concerned with his social status than anything else. Nancy, however, starts to become disillusioned with their relationship and begins to see beyond his surface-level charm.

- After Will goes missing, Nancy and Jonathan team up to investigate his disappearance, which leads to them developing feelings for each other. However, Nancy still feels a sense of obligation to Steve and tries to maintain a friendship with him.

- In season 2, Steve's character undergoes a significant transformation as he becomes more selfless and caring. Nancy starts to realize that he may be a better match for her than she previously thought, but she is still unsure of her feelings for him.

- Ultimately, Nancy decides to break up with Steve in season 2, realizing that she can't ignore her feelings for Jonathan any longer. However, the two remain friends and Steve continues to play an important role in the show.

Overall, Steve and Nancy's relationship serves as a commentary on high school romance and the importance of looking beyond appearances. It also highlights the complexities of teenage relationships and the difficult decisions that come with growing up.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the significance of Dungeons and Dragons in Stranger Things?
Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a tabletop role-playing game that was first published in 1974. It allows players to create their own characters and embark on adventures set in a fantasy world. In Stranger Things, the main characters are avid D&D players, and the game serves as a significant theme throughout the show.

Here are some ways D&D is significant in Stranger Things:

- Connection to the Upside Down: In the first season, the boys' knowledge of D&D comes in handy when they try to understand and explain the mysterious happenings in their town. They draw parallels between their game and the real world, describing the alternate dimension as a "shadow" version of their own world, much like the Upside Down.

- Characterization: Each of the boys' D&D characters reflects their own personalities in some way, and the game allows them to explore different parts of themselves. For example, Will's character is a wizard who is known for his bravery, but in real life, Will is more reserved and introverted.

- Nostalgia: The show is set in the 1980s, and D&D was a popular game during that time. The inclusion of the game in the show adds to its nostalgic feel, and it also serves as a reminder of a simpler time before the supernatural events in Hawkins began to unfold.

- Symbolism: D&D is a game that allows players to create their own narratives and take control of their own destiny. In a way, this mirrors the main characters' journey in Stranger Things as they try to take control of their own lives and fight against the forces of evil.

- Pop culture references: D&D has been referenced in various forms of popular culture over the years, and Stranger Things is no exception. The show pays homage to classic D&D elements such as demogorgons, mind flayers, and Thessalhydra, which are all creatures that the boys encounter in the show.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Who are the Hawkins Lab scientists in Stranger Things?
Hawkins National Laboratory is a fictional research facility in Stranger Things, and several scientists play important roles in the show's plot.

Here are some key facts about the scientists at Hawkins Lab:

- Dr. Martin Brenner: Brenner is the head scientist at Hawkins Lab and the primary antagonist of the show's first season. He is responsible for experimenting on Eleven and other children with psychic abilities, and is shown to be ruthless and manipulative in his pursuit of scientific knowledge.

- Dr. Sam Owens: Owens is brought in to take over Hawkins Lab after the events of the first season, and is a more sympathetic figure than Brenner. He is shown to be genuinely concerned for the safety of the people of Hawkins and is willing to work with the main characters to stop the threat from the Upside Down.

- Dr. Alexei: Alexei is a Russian scientist who is brought to Hawkins Lab as part of a plot by the Soviet Union to open a portal to the Upside Down. He is initially reluctant to help, but eventually becomes an ally to the main characters.

- Dr. Martin Whitly: Whitly is a former scientist at Hawkins Lab who was responsible for the creation of the Mind Flayer. He is portrayed as a deeply troubled and guilt-ridden character, haunted by the consequences of his actions.

- Other unnamed scientists: Hawkins Lab is staffed by a large number of other scientists, many of whom are shown to be complicit in Brenner's unethical experiments. These scientists are often portrayed as cold and detached, prioritizing scientific advancement over ethical concerns.

Overall, the scientists at Hawkins Lab are complex and often morally ambiguous characters who play important roles in the show's plot. Their actions and motivations drive much of the conflict in the series, and their fates are closely tied to the fate of the main characters.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the Mind Flayer in Stranger Things?
The Mind Flayer is a mysterious and malevolent creature from the Upside Down in the Netflix series Stranger Things.
Here are some key facts about the Mind Flayer:

- It controls the Upside Down: The Mind Flayer is the dominant force in the Upside Down, a parallel dimension that is home to monstrous creatures and otherworldly phenomena.

- It seeks to invade and conquer the real world: Throughout the show, the Mind Flayer is shown to be working to breach the barrier between the Upside Down and the real world, with the ultimate goal of taking over and enslaving humanity.

- It can possess and control people: The Mind Flayer has the ability to possess and control humans in the real world, using them as its agents to carry out its plans.

- It is defeated by the main characters: Over the course of the show, the main characters work together to defeat the Mind Flayer and its minions, using a combination of science, magic, and bravery.

- It remains a looming threat: Despite being defeated, the Mind Flayer remains a looming threat throughout the show, with hints that it may return in future seasons to continue its campaign of terror.

Overall, the Mind Flayer is a frightening and formidable antagonist in Stranger Things, embodying the show's themes of darkness, danger, and the unknown. Its mysterious origins and inscrutable motivations make it a compelling and unpredictable presence, and its defeat is a satisfying moment for fans of the show.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Who is Chief Jim Hopper in Stranger Things?
Chief Jim Hopper is a main character in the Netflix series Stranger Things, played by actor David Harbour.
Here are some key facts about Hopper's character:

- He is the chief of police: Hopper is the chief of the Hawkins Police Department, the small town where the show takes place. He is responsible for maintaining order and investigating crimes.

- He has a tragic past: Hopper is a recovering alcoholic who lost his daughter to cancer before the start of the show. This tragedy has left him emotionally scarred and struggling to cope with his grief.

- He becomes a father figure to Eleven: Hopper takes in the character Eleven, who has escaped from a government laboratory, and becomes a surrogate father to her. He is fiercely protective of her and is willing to go to great lengths to keep her safe.

- He has a complicated relationship with Joyce: Hopper has a complicated romantic history with the character Joyce Byers, played by Winona Ryder. The two characters share a deep connection due to the traumatic events of the show, but their relationship is often strained by their differing personalities and priorities.

- He is a hero: Hopper is a key player in the battle against the monsters from the Upside Down, and is often seen as the hero of the show. He is resourceful, brave, and determined to protect the people he cares about.

Overall, Chief Jim Hopper is a complex and compelling character in the world of Stranger Things. His tragic past, protective nature, and heroic actions make him a fan favorite and an integral part of the show's success.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the Demogorgon in Stranger Things?
The Demogorgon is a monster from the parallel dimension known as the Upside Down in the hit Netflix series Stranger Things. It is a central antagonist in the show and is responsible for much of the horror and suspense that drives the plot.
Here are some key facts about the Demogorgon:

- It is a predatory creature: The Demogorgon is a creature that feeds on living beings, particularly humans. It is shown to have a powerful and agile physique, and is capable of moving quickly and silently.

- It has a flower-like face: The Demogorgon's face is made up of a series of petals that open to reveal a gaping, toothy mouth. It is a unique and iconic design that has become synonymous with the show.

- It can open portals between dimensions: The Demogorgon has the ability to create openings between the Upside Down and the real world, allowing it to travel back and forth between the two.

- It is difficult to kill: The Demogorgon is a resilient creature that is able to withstand gunfire and physical attacks. It is only defeated in the show through the use of Eleven's psychic powers.

- It is a symbol of the dangers of the Upside Down: The Demogorgon represents the threat that the Upside Down poses to the characters in the show, and is a visual representation of the horror and danger that they must face.

Overall, the Demogorgon is a key element of the Stranger Things universe. Its unique design and terrifying abilities make it a memorable and iconic monster in the world of television.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Who is Eleven in Stranger Things?
Eleven, also known as El, is one of the main characters in the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things. She is a young girl who possesses psychic abilities and is initially portrayed as a mysterious and enigmatic character.

Here are some key facts about Eleven's character:

- She was raised in a laboratory: Eleven was taken from her mother at birth and raised in a laboratory by scientists who were conducting experiments on her psychic abilities.

- She has telekinetic powers: Eleven has the ability to move objects with her mind, as well as manipulate people's thoughts and perceptions.

- She is fiercely loyal to her friends: Despite her troubled upbringing, Eleven forms close bonds with the other kids in the show, particularly Mike, and is willing to risk her own safety to protect them.

- She is haunted by her past: Eleven experiences flashbacks and traumatic memories of her time in the lab, and struggles to come to terms with the fact that her abilities were exploited for scientific gain.

- She becomes a key player in the fight against the Upside Down: As the show progresses, Eleven's powers become increasingly important in the group's efforts to battle the monsters that come from the Upside Down.

- She is often associated with the number 11: Eleven's name is derived from the fact that she was the eleventh test subject in the lab. This number is also significant in her character development, as it is tattooed on her arm and appears frequently throughout the show.

Overall, Eleven is a complex and compelling character in Stranger Things. Her psychic abilities and troubled past add a layer of mystery and intrigue to the show, and her relationships with the other characters are central to the plot.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the Upside Down in Stranger Things?
The Upside Down is a parallel dimension that exists alongside the regular world in Stranger Things. It is a dark, eerie place that is filled with dangers and monsters.
The Upside Down is introduced in the first season of the show when Will Byers disappears, and his friends discover a strange and unsettling alternate reality that seems to be connected to his disappearance.

Here are some key facts about the Upside Down in Stranger Things:

- It is a mirror version of the real world: The Upside Down is a dark and twisted version of the real world. It looks similar to the real world, but everything is darker, decaying, and covered in vines and other strange growths.

- It is home to the Demogorgon: The Demogorgon is a terrifying monster that inhabits the Upside Down. It is a predatory creature with sharp claws and teeth that hunts its prey relentlessly.

- It is connected to the real world through portals: The Upside Down is accessible through portals that exist in the real world. In the show, the portals are typically created by experiments conducted at the Hawkins National Laboratory.

- It has a toxic atmosphere: The air in the Upside Down is toxic to humans, and prolonged exposure can have serious health effects.

- It can be affected by events in the real world: Events in the real world can have an impact on the Upside Down. For example, when Eleven uses her powers to destroy the Demogorgon in the first season, it creates a shockwave that is felt in the Upside Down.

Overall, the Upside Down is a key element of the Stranger Things universe. It adds an element of horror and suspense to the show, and its mysterious nature keeps audiences guessing about what lies beyond our world.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What decade is Stranger Things set in?
Stranger Things is set in the 1980s, a decade known for its pop culture, technological advancements, and political and social changes. The show's creators, the Duffer brothers, have been open about their love for the decade and their desire to recreate its unique atmosphere in the series.

Throughout the show, there are numerous references to 1980s popular culture, including movies, music, and television shows. The soundtrack features iconic songs from the era, such as "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash and "Every Breath You Take" by The Police. The show's opening sequence, with its retro font and electronic music, also captures the feel of 1980s sci-fi movies.

The setting of Stranger Things in the 1980s also allows the show to explore the fears and anxieties of that era. The Cold War and the threat of nuclear war loomed large, and the show touches on this with its portrayal of government agencies and secret experiments. The show also portrays the anxieties of growing up in that era, such as the pressures of fitting in at school and dealing with divorced parents.

Overall, the 1980s setting of Stranger Things is a key element of its appeal. It allows the show to explore themes and ideas unique to that era while also tapping into a sense of nostalgia for those who grew up during that time.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the setting of Stranger Things?
Stranger Things is set in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana in the 1980s. The town is portrayed as a typical American suburb with its quaint neighborhoods, bustling downtown area, and local businesses. The show's creators, the Duffer brothers, have cited the films of Steven Spielberg and Stephen King as major influences on the show's setting and aesthetic.

Throughout the series, the action takes place in various locations within Hawkins, including the Byers' family home, the Hawkins National Laboratory, the local middle school and high school, and the downtown area. The show's creators have stated that they wanted to create a nostalgic, small-town feel to the setting that would evoke a sense of Americana.

While the setting of Hawkins is fictional, the show incorporates elements of real-life events from the 1980s. For example, the second season features a subplot involving the opening of a new shopping mall in Hawkins, which mirrors the proliferation of malls across America during that time period. The show also references popular culture from the era, including films, TV shows, and music.

Overall, the setting of Stranger Things is an integral part of the show's appeal. Its combination of nostalgia, small-town charm, and supernatural intrigue has captivated audiences around the world.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Who are the main characters in Stranger Things?
Stranger Things has a large ensemble cast, but here are some of the main characters who feature prominently throughout the series:

- Joyce Byers: Played by Winona Ryder, Joyce is the mother of Will and Jonathan Byers. She is fiercely protective of her children and becomes increasingly unhinged as she investigates their disappearance.

- Jim Hopper: Played by David Harbour, Hopper is the police chief of Hawkins who becomes involved in the search for Will Byers. He has a troubled past and is haunted by the death of his daughter.

- Mike Wheeler: Played by Finn Wolfhard, Mike is one of the core group of friends who discover the supernatural mysteries of Hawkins. He is a natural leader and is deeply committed to finding his friend Will.

- Eleven: Played by Millie Bobby Brown, Eleven is a young girl with psychokinetic powers who is being hunted by the government. She forms a close bond with Mike and the other friends.

- Dustin Henderson: Played by Gaten Matarazzo, Dustin is one of the friends who discovers the strange happenings in Hawkins. He is known for his sense of humor and his loyalty to his friends.

- Lucas Sinclair: Played by Caleb McLaughlin, Lucas is another member of the friend group. He is more skeptical than some of the others and often serves as the voice of reason.

- Nancy Wheeler: Played by Natalia Dyer, Nancy is Mike's older sister who becomes romantically involved with popular boy Steve Harrington. She becomes embroiled in the supernatural events in Hawkins after her friend Barb disappears.

These are just a few of the many memorable characters in Stranger Things, each with their own unique personalities and motivations. The show is known for its strong character development and emotional resonance, which has helped to make it a fan favorite.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is Stranger Things about?
Stranger Things is a science fiction/horror series set in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana during the 1980s.
Here are some key details about the show's plot and themes:

- Supernatural mysteries: The show centers around a group of young friends who begin to uncover supernatural mysteries in their town, including a dangerous government experiment and the existence of an alternate dimension known as the Upside Down.

- Nostalgia and homage: One of the key themes of the show is nostalgia and homage to 1980s pop culture, including movies like E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and The Goonies. The show's aesthetic and soundtrack are heavily influenced by this era, giving it a distinctive and memorable feel.

- Character-driven storytelling: While the supernatural elements are certainly a major part of the show's appeal, Stranger Things is also known for its strong and relatable characters. The young protagonists are all well-drawn and sympathetic, and the show explores their relationships and personal struggles in depth.

- Emotional resonance: Another key element of the show's appeal is its emotional resonance. The show deals with themes like grief, trauma, and the power of friendship and love, giving it a depth and heart that sets it apart from many other genre shows.

Overall, Stranger Things is a unique and engaging series that blends supernatural horror with nostalgia and character-driven storytelling. It has become a pop culture phenomenon since its debut in 2016 and continues to captivate audiences with its memorable characters, thrilling mysteries, and heartfelt themes.
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Aegon 2 years ago
What a shitshow!
The whole thing is based on lame constructs of surprise scares and deus ex machina.
Throwing the towel after watching episode 5. JFC! "A dying deer disappeared in front of my eyes, so let's split in the woods at night, and let me go inside this magical tree, that also closes itself because it helps the shit plot"! Who wrote this crap?!
Oh and apparently seasons 2 and 3 are even worse.
And don't give me that "oh it's the 80s it's so cool". The 80s were awesome but they don't give you a green card!
For an amazing 80s themed tv show just watch Dark!
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Hailey Apps
Hailey Apps 4 years ago
what is stranger things
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Hannah Hannah 10
last season was the best. Yet it was the worst. Cried. Too good
Elizabeth Overcash Elizabeth Overcash 10
i love stranger things!!!!!!!!1
Eric P. Eric P. 10
Last Watched 2022

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