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Game of Thrones

2011 - 2019  •  HBO  •  63 hours  •  8 seasons  •  73 episodes
5930 votes
2291576 votes
# 15
Action, Drama, Fantasy, Adventure
Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Friction between the houses leads to full-scale war. All while a very ancient evil awakens in the farthest north. Amidst the war, a neglected military order of misfits, the Night's Watch, is all that stands between the realms of ... More
  Previously Aired Episode
The Iron Throne Aired on 05/19/2019
The Iron Throne
Season 8: Episode 6
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Series ended
73 episodes total
Sub Genres: based on novel or book, kingdom, dragon, king, nudity, intrigue, fantasy world
Air Date: 04/17/2011 - 05/19/2019
Country: United States of America (US)
Language: English (EN)
Age Rating:
30,550 (44.6%)
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  • Season 8
Last Ep. aired on Sunday 05/19/2019
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Aegon 4 years ago
Apart from the last (two) seasons GoT was amazing!
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Azmarine Aegon 1 year ago
You are absolutely RIGHT, it felt like they rushed the show. Even the casts and actors admitted in various interviews.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is Game of Thrones based on?
Game of Thrones is based on a series of epic fantasy novels called A Song of Ice and Fire, written by George R.R. Martin. The first novel in the series, A Game of Thrones, was published in 1996, and subsequent novels have been released at intervals of several years. As of 2021, there are five novels in the series, with two more yet to be released.

The novels are set in a fictional world called Westeros, which is reminiscent of medieval Europe. Westeros is divided into several regions, each ruled by a powerful family or house, and the story follows the political intrigue and battles between these houses as they vie for power and control of the Iron Throne, the seat of the King of the Seven Kingdoms.

In addition to the political and military conflicts between the various houses, the novels and the television series also explore themes of family, honor, loyalty, and morality. The story is also rich with magic, dragons, and other supernatural elements.

The television adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, created by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, premiered on HBO in 2011 and became a cultural phenomenon, garnering widespread critical and popular acclaim. While the television series diverged from the novels in several ways, it remained largely faithful to the source material and helped to bring the complex and captivating world of Westeros to an even wider audience.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Who are the main characters in Game of Thrones?
Game of Thrones has a vast ensemble cast of characters, many of whom play integral roles in the show's complex storyline. However, some characters stand out as the main protagonists and antagonists. Here are the main characters in Game of Thrones:

1. Jon Snow: He is the bastard son of Eddard Stark and a member of the Night's Watch. He becomes a key player in the fight against the White Walkers.

2. Daenerys Targaryen: She is the last surviving member of the Targaryen dynasty and is determined to reclaim the Iron Throne.

3. Tyrion Lannister: He is a member of the wealthy and powerful Lannister family and serves as Hand of the Queen to Daenerys Targaryen.

4. Cersei Lannister: She is the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and will stop at nothing to maintain her grip on power.

5. Sansa Stark: She is the eldest daughter of Eddard Stark and is forced to navigate the dangerous political landscape of Westeros after her family is torn apart.

6. Arya Stark: She is the youngest daughter of Eddard Stark and becomes a skilled assassin in her quest for revenge.

7. Bran Stark: He is Eddard Stark's second son and becomes the Three-Eyed Raven, a powerful figure with the ability to see into the past and future.

8. Jaime Lannister: He is Cersei Lannister's twin brother and a member of the Kingsguard. He struggles with his love for his sister and his duty as a knight.

9. Samwell Tarly: He is a member of the Night's Watch and becomes a key player in the fight against the White Walkers.

10. Brienne of Tarth: She is a skilled warrior and loyal servant to the Starks.

These characters, along with many others, play a significant role in the complex and often brutal world of Game of Thrones. Their stories intertwine in a web of politics, war, and magic, creating one of the most compelling television shows of all time.
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Azmarine 11 months ago
How many Times Did you Rewatch Game Of Throne?
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Game Of Throne Detailed Family Tree [Has Spoilers]
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Azmarine 1 year ago
House Of Stark Family Tree
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the significance of the Dothraki in Game of Thrones?
The Dothraki are a significant group in Game of Thrones, particularly in the early seasons. They are a nomadic tribe of skilled horse riders who live on the vast grasslands of Essos, across the Narrow Sea from Westeros. They are known for their fearsome warriors, who are skilled at both archery and hand-to-hand combat.

The Dothraki have a distinct culture, which revolves around their horses and their ability to ride them. They do not believe in walls or cities, preferring to live a life of freedom on the open plains. Their society is also heavily patriarchal, with women having very little rights or agency.

One of the most important Dothraki characters in the series is Khal Drogo, who is a powerful warlord and the husband of Daenerys Targaryen. His relationship with Daenerys plays a significant role in her story arc, as she learns to assert herself and gain the confidence needed to become a powerful leader in her own right.

Overall, the Dothraki are an important and memorable element of the Game of Thrones world, representing a distinct culture and way of life that contrasts with the feudal society of Westeros.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the significance of the Children of the Forest in Game of Thrones?
In the world of Game of Thrones, the Children of the Forest are a species of humanoid creatures who inhabited the land of Westeros long before the arrival of humans. They are known for their close connection to nature and their magical abilities. The Children of the Forest are believed to have created the White Walkers as a defense against the First Men, who invaded Westeros and began to destroy their sacred trees and worship the Old Gods.

Throughout the series, the Children of the Forest are associated with the magical and mystical elements of the story. They are first introduced in the fourth season, when Bran and his companions are seeking the three-eyed raven. The Children are depicted as small, elf-like creatures with the ability to communicate telepathically, manipulate nature, and even control the dead.

Their role in the story is primarily centered around their connection to Bran and his journey to become the Three-Eyed Raven. The Children of the Forest are the guardians of the cave where the Three-Eyed Raven resides, and they help Bran and his companions in their quest to learn about the history of Westeros and the White Walkers. They also play a key role in the Battle of Winterfell, where they use their magical powers to aid the living in their fight against the army of the dead.

Overall, the Children of the Forest are an important element of the Game of Thrones story, representing the mystical and magical aspects of the world and serving as key allies to the main characters in their fight against evil.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What are the major houses in Game of Thrones?
In the world of Game of Thrones, there are several major houses that play crucial roles in the story. Here are some of the most important ones:

1. House Stark: The ruling house of the North, with ancestral seat in Winterfell. The Starks are known for their honor and loyalty.

2. House Lannister: The richest and most powerful house in Westeros, with ancestral seat in Casterly Rock. The Lannisters are known for their cunning and ambition.

3. House Targaryen: The former ruling house of Westeros, with ancestral seat in Dragonstone. The Targaryens are known for their connection to dragons and their legacy of conquering.

4. House Baratheon: The current ruling house of Westeros, with ancestral seat in Storm's End. The Baratheons are known for their strength and military prowess.

5. House Tyrell: The ruling house of the Reach, with ancestral seat in Highgarden. The Tyrells are known for their wealth and political savvy.

6. House Greyjoy: The ruling house of the Iron Islands, with ancestral seat in Pyke. The Greyjoys are known for their seafaring culture and penchant for raiding.

These houses are often in conflict with each other, vying for power and control over the Seven Kingdoms. Each house has its own unique characteristics, symbols, and history, which add depth and complexity to the world of Game of Thrones.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the Game of Thrones theme song?
The Game of Thrones theme song is a hauntingly beautiful piece of music composed by Ramin Djawadi. It features a memorable melody played by a full orchestra and is instantly recognizable to fans of the show. The song opens with the sound of a cello and quickly builds in intensity, adding in a variety of instruments and percussion to create a powerful and emotional sound. The song has become iconic in popular culture, and has been covered and parodied in numerous ways. Its popularity has helped to establish Game of Thrones as one of the most beloved and memorable TV shows of all time.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Who is the Mother of Dragons in Game of Thrones?
The Mother of Dragons is a title given to Daenerys Targaryen, a central character in the Game of Thrones series. Daenerys is the daughter of the Mad King, Aerys II Targaryen, and sister to Rhaegar and Viserys. She is also the last known living member of the Targaryen dynasty, which once ruled over the Seven Kingdoms before being overthrown by Robert Baratheon.

Throughout the series, Daenerys becomes a powerful figure as she gains control over an army of Unsullied soldiers and three dragons, which she hatches from eggs gifted to her by a Dothraki warlord. She also frees slaves and liberates cities, earning the moniker "Breaker of Chains."

Daenerys becomes a formidable contender for the Iron Throne, the seat of power in the Seven Kingdoms, and one of the main goals of the series' many factions. Her journey takes her across the Narrow Sea to Westeros, where she eventually allies with other characters in her quest to claim the throne.

The Mother of Dragons is a powerful and complex character, loved by many fans of the series for her determination, compassion, and fierce spirit. However, her actions throughout the series have also sparked controversy and debate, particularly in regards to her use of violence and her quest for power.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Who is the Three-Eyed Raven in Game of Thrones?
The Three-Eyed Raven is a mystical character in the Game of Thrones series who possesses powerful psychic abilities, including the ability to see the past and present, as well as glimpses of the future. The character is first introduced in the series as a mysterious figure who appears to Bran Stark in his dreams, guiding him on a journey to discover the true nature of his powers.

As the series progresses, it is revealed that the Three-Eyed Raven is an ancient being who has been alive for thousands of years, and who has been waiting for someone like Bran to inherit his powers and take up his mantle. He lives in a cave beyond the Wall and is guarded by a group of children of the forest, who help him to maintain his powers and protect him from harm.

The Three-Eyed Raven is also known as the last greenseer, a rare type of skinchanger who is able to enter the minds of animals and see through their eyes. He is deeply connected to the natural world and possesses a profound understanding of the balance between life and death.

Throughout the series, the Three-Eyed Raven serves as a powerful mentor to Bran, teaching him how to harness his powers and use them to aid the fight against the White Walkers. He is a complex and enigmatic character who represents the deep mysteries and ancient lore of the Game of Thrones world, and whose presence is felt throughout the entire series, even after his death.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
Who are the White Walkers in Game of Thrones?
The White Walkers are a race of supernatural beings that inhabit the far north of the Game of Thrones world beyond the Wall. They are humanoid in appearance, but with distinctive icy blue skin and glowing eyes. They are also known as the Others and are considered to be the ultimate antagonists in the series.

The White Walkers are led by a mysterious figure known as the Night King, who possesses the power to raise the dead and turn them into wights, which are undead creatures that serve as his army. The White Walkers' main goal is to invade Westeros and destroy all life, as they believe that the living are inferior to the dead.

Throughout the series, the White Walkers are depicted as an unstoppable force, capable of wreaking havoc and causing destruction on a massive scale. They are a constant threat to the people of Westeros, and their presence looms over the entire series, building to a climactic battle in the final season.

Overall, the White Walkers serve as a potent symbol of fear and existential dread in the Game of Thrones world, representing the ultimate challenge to the survival of the human characters and the delicate balance of power in the Seven Kingdoms.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the significance of "Winter is Coming" in Game of Thrones?
"Winter is Coming" is one of the most iconic phrases from the Game of Thrones TV series and the A Song of Ice and Fire book series on which it is based. The phrase is the motto of House Stark, one of the major noble houses in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, and is often repeated throughout the series.

The phrase holds great significance in the world of Game of Thrones, as it refers to the impending threat of the Long Night, a period of darkness and cold that is said to come once every few thousand years. During the Long Night, the White Walkers, a race of supernatural beings, rise from the far north and bring death and destruction to the world of men.

The phrase "Winter is Coming" serves as a warning to the people of Westeros that they must prepare for the coming threat of the White Walkers and the Long Night. It is a reminder that the seasons in Westeros are not like those in the real world, and that winter can last for years, even decades, bringing with it famine, disease, and death.

In addition to its literal significance, "Winter is Coming" also serves as a metaphor for the various political struggles and power plays that take place throughout the series. The phrase suggests that no matter how powerful or secure one may feel in the present, there is always the possibility of an unexpected and catastrophic event that could upend everything.

Overall, "Winter is Coming" is a powerful and evocative phrase that captures the essence of the Game of Thrones universe and its themes of struggle, survival, and the ever-present threat of danger.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones?
The Red Wedding is a significant event in the Game of Thrones TV series, which takes place during the ninth episode of the third season, titled "The Rains of Castamere." It is a brutal and shocking massacre of several major characters during the wedding of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey.

The Red Wedding takes place at the Twins, the stronghold of House Frey, which is the ancestral home of Lord Walder Frey. The event is meant to solidify the alliance between House Stark and House Frey, as Robb Stark, the King in the North, has broken his marriage pact with House Frey by marrying Talisa Maegyr instead of one of Lord Walder's daughters.

However, the wedding turns into a bloody trap, as Walder Frey and his allies betray the Starks and slaughter them in a brutal ambush. Among the characters killed are Robb Stark, his mother Catelyn, and his wife Talisa, as well as many of their bannermen and supporters.

The Red Wedding is considered one of the most shocking and brutal moments in the series, as it subverts the audience's expectations and kills off several major characters in a single event. It has also become a cultural phenomenon, with the phrase "The Red Wedding" being used to describe any event that involves unexpected violence or betrayal.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
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Who is the main villain in Game of Thrones?
Game of Thrones features a wide array of antagonists and villains throughout its run, but there isn't necessarily one "main villain" in the traditional sense. However, one could argue that the primary antagonist of the series is the Night King, the leader of the White Walkers, who are a race of supernatural beings that pose a threat to the entire realm.

The White Walkers are known for their icy blue eyes and their ability to reanimate dead bodies, turning them into wights that serve as foot soldiers in their army. The Night King, in particular, is a powerful figure who is capable of raising entire armies of the dead with a single gesture. He is seen as an existential threat to the living and a force to be reckoned with.

Other notable villains in the series include Cersei Lannister, who manipulates her way to the Iron Throne and causes chaos throughout the realm; Joffrey Baratheon, who is cruel and sadistic and enjoys tormenting others; Ramsay Bolton, who is infamous for his brutal torture and murder of his enemies; and Littlefinger, who is a master manipulator and often plays both sides against each other for his own gain. Overall, Game of Thrones features a complex web of characters and conflicts, making it difficult to pinpoint one single "main villain."
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the Night's Watch in Game of Thrones?
The Night's Watch is a military order in Game of Thrones that guards the northern borders of the Seven Kingdoms from the threats beyond the Wall. The Wall is a massive structure made of ice and magic, stretching for hundreds of miles and standing at over 700 feet tall. The Night's Watch is sworn to defend the realm from the dangers beyond the Wall, which include wildlings, giants, and supernatural beings like White Walkers.

The Night's Watch is made up of men who have taken a vow of celibacy and sworn to serve for life. They are often drawn from the lower classes of Westerosi society, including criminals who choose to join the Night's Watch as an alternative to punishment. Members of the Night's Watch wear black cloaks and are known as "black brothers."

The Night's Watch is led by a Lord Commander, who is elected by the members of the order. Notable characters who have served in the Night's Watch include Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly, and Jeor Mormont. The Night's Watch plays a significant role throughout the series, and their efforts to protect the realm from the dangers beyond the Wall are central to the overarching plot.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What are the Seven Kingdoms in Game of Thrones?
In Game of Thrones, the Seven Kingdoms refer to the seven independent regions of Westeros, a fictional continent that serves as the primary setting for the series. These kingdoms were united under the rule of the Targaryen dynasty, but after a rebellion, they became autonomous once again. The Seven Kingdoms are:

1. The North: The northernmost region of Westeros, ruled by House Stark from their seat at Winterfell.

2. The Iron Islands: A group of islands off the west coast of Westeros, known for their fierce and seafaring culture. They are ruled by House Greyjoy.

3. The Riverlands: A region located in the center of Westeros, known for its fertile lands and strategic waterways. It is ruled by House Tully.

4. The Vale: A mountainous region located in the eastern part of Westeros, known for its formidable defenses and the impregnable castle of the Eyrie. It is ruled by House Arryn.

5. The Westerlands: A rich and powerful region located in the western part of Westeros, known for its vast mines of gold and silver. It is ruled by House Lannister.

6. The Reach: A fertile and populous region located in the south of Westeros, known for its great wealth and bountiful harvests. It is ruled by House Tyrell.

7. Dorne: A desert region located in the southern part of Westeros, known for its fiercely independent people and unique
customs. It is ruled by House Martell.

These Seven Kingdoms are constantly vying for power and influence, with complex alliances and rivalries forming and shifting throughout the series.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is Game of Thrones Season 2 trailer?
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is Game of Thrones Season 1 trailer?
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Azmarine 1 year ago
What is the genre of Game of Thrones?
Game of Thrones is a fantasy drama television series. The show is set in a fictional world of medieval-like kingdoms and features elements of magic, dragons, and mythical creatures. It is based on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, which also falls under the fantasy genre.

However, Game of Thrones is not your typical high fantasy story. It is known for its complex political intrigue, realistic and flawed characters, and gritty, often violent tone. The show also features themes of power, corruption, and the human condition. Its unique blend of fantasy and drama has made it a landmark television series and a cultural touchstone, with fans around the world eagerly anticipating each new episode.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
How many episodes of Game of Thrones are there?
There are a total of 73 episodes of Game of Thrones, spread across eight seasons. Each season had a varying number of episodes, with the first six seasons having 10 episodes each, the seventh season having 7 episodes, and the eighth and final season having only 6 episodes.

The series was known for its epic storytelling, richly drawn characters, and high production value, including elaborate sets, stunning visual effects, and a large and talented cast. It quickly became one of the most popular and influential television series of all time, with millions of fans tuning in each week to watch the latest developments in the story of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

The series concluded in 2019 with the final season, which was highly anticipated by fans and marked the end of an era for one of the most beloved and influential shows in television history. Despite mixed reviews for the final season, Game of Thrones remains a cultural touchstone that has had a lasting impact on popular culture and the entertainment industry.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
When did Game of Thrones first air?
Game of Thrones first aired on HBO on April 17, 2011. The series was created by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, and based on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin.

The first season consisted of ten episodes and introduced audiences to the sprawling world of Westeros, a fictional land of medieval-like kingdoms, where the struggle for power and control of the Iron Throne drives much of the action. The series quickly gained a devoted following, thanks in part to its complex storytelling, richly drawn characters, and high production values, including elaborate sets, stunning visual effects, and a large and talented ensemble cast.

Over the course of its eight seasons, Game of Thrones became one of the most popular and critically acclaimed television series of all time, with millions of viewers tuning in each week to watch the latest developments in the story of the Seven Kingdoms. The show's impact on popular culture and the entertainment industry is hard to overstate, and its legacy will likely endure for many years to come.
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Azmarine 1 year ago
How many seasons of Game of Thrones are there?
There are a total of eight seasons of Game of Thrones. The first season premiered on HBO in 2011, and subsequent seasons were released at roughly one-year intervals, with the final season airing in 2019.

Each season consists of 6 to 10 episodes, with the final season being the shortest with only 6 episodes. The series was known for its high production value, including elaborate sets, stunning visual effects, and a large and talented cast.

The eighth season was highly anticipated as it marked the conclusion of the epic story that had captivated audiences for nearly a decade. While the final season received mixed reviews from fans and critics, it remains one of the most popular and influential television series of all time, with a lasting impact on popular culture and the entertainment industry.
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Thomas Eric Belfort Thomas Eric Belfort 10
Like Mad Men, GOT is almost perfect, but the only problem with GOT is the writers: they sometimes forget that the show isn't a soap opera!
Kiiros Kiiros 10
3 reviews on GoT? What are you doing, devs?
Nifuji Hirotaka Nifuji Hirotaka 10
English / A Song of Ice and Fire 2

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