FBI: Most Wanted
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FBI: Most Wanted - S05E10 - Bonne Terre

FBI: Most Wanted season 5 episode 10

Bonne Terre

When a federal judge and his wife are shot dead in New York, the Fugitive Task Force goes on the hunt and finds a connection to a man who is hours away from being executed in Missouri. Meanwhile, Remy and Hana both grapple with being single and living alone.
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FBI: Most Wanted / S05E10 : Bonne Terre
Season 5, Episode 10 | Aired on April 23, 2024 | TV-14 | 43 min. | CBS
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  • FBI: Most Wanted - Episode 2 - Footsteps
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  • FBI: Most Wanted - Episode 3 - Ghost in the Machine
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  • FBI: Most Wanted - Episode 5 - Desperate
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  • FBI: Most Wanted - Episode 6 - Fouled Out
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  • FBI: Most Wanted - Episode 7 - Rendition
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  • FBI: Most Wanted - Episode 8 - Supply Chain
    Episode 8
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  • FBI: Most Wanted - Episode 9 - The Return
    Episode 9
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  • FBI: Most Wanted - Episode 10 - Bonne Terre
    Episode 10
    Bonne Terre
  • FBI: Most Wanted - Episode 11 - Radio Silence
    Episode 11
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FBI: Most Wanted season 5 episode 10 Recap and FAQ


Episode Summary

In the suspense-filled episode, Curt arrives confused about a mysterious note, leading to a deadly confrontation over a long-kept secret. As the investigation unfolds, the team delves into a controversial court case involving Judge Gimball, suggesting his murder was a professional hit linked to his rulings. The plot thickens with ties to past cases and a race against time to prevent a wrongful execution, culminating in a gripping climax where crucial evidence is uncovered, granting last-minute clemency.

Full Episode S05E10 Recap

### Scene 1: The Mysterious Encounter - A character hears train horns and approaches a dimly lit area while trying to contact Sarah. - The tense atmosphere heightens with owl hoots and the eerie ambiance of tooting train horns. - Curt arrives and is confused about a note he supposedly doesn't remember sending. ### Scene 2: Deadly Confrontation - Curt questions who else knows about a secret he's been keeping. - A series of gunshots are heard, and two bodies are found, leading to a critical moment of shock and grief. ### Scene 3: The Aftermath and Investigation - Characters discuss the recent violent events and reflect on their personal lives, highlighting feelings of loneliness and the need for connection. - A meeting at a law enforcement office where they dive into the details of the crime scene, noting the lack of evidence and suspecting a professional hit. ### Scene 4: The Plot Thickens - Discussion about a controversial court case involving Judge Gimball and a disgruntled developer, pointing towards a motive for murder. - The team splits, following leads at the victim's office and the crime scene, uncovering more about the judge's recent activities and potential enemies. ### Scene 5: Unexpected Developments - A witness account introduces a new suspect linked to the crime scenes. - The narrative unfolds revealing connections between past judicial cases and potential motives rooted in revenge or silencing. ### Scene 6: Deepening Mystery - Connections are drawn between past cases handled by Judge Gimball and the current investigation. - Key discoveries at the crime scene and a mysterious tape hint at deeper secrets possibly leading to the motive behind the murders. ### Scene 7: Chasing Leads - The narrative shifts to a frantic pursuit of suspects and clues across different states, adding layers of urgency and danger to the investigation. - Key evidence is found linking back to old cases, suggesting a miscarriage of justice and pointing towards a possible wrongful conviction. ### Scene 8: Racing Against Time - Tensions rise as the team works against the clock to prevent a wrongful execution linked to their investigation. - A mix of legal and investigative efforts unfolds in a desperate bid to uncover the truth and save an innocent person from death row. ### Scene 9: A Tense Resolution - Culminating in a dramatic confrontation with the suspect responsible for the murders. - The story concludes with critical evidence finally coming to light, proving the innocence of the death row inmate, leading to a last-minute clemency. ### Scene 10: Reflection and Closure - Characters reflect on the emotional and professional impacts of the case. - The episode ends with a sense of relief and moral contemplation about the justice system and personal accountability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Curt in the story?

Curt is a character who arrives at a scene confused about a note he supposedly didn't send, and becomes involved in a confrontation where secrets are revealed.

What secret is being discussed between Curt and the unknown character?

The secret involves something that Curt has been keeping hidden for years, which is significant enough to lead to a deadly confrontation.

What is the significance of the train horns in the scenes?

The train horns contribute to the eerie and tense ambiance of the scene, signaling something ominous or significant is about to happen.

Who is Judge Gimball and what is his connection to the plot?

Judge Gimball is a character who was involved in a controversial court case, which might be connected to his murder as he had ruled against a powerful developer's proposal.

What evidence suggests a professional hit in the murders?

The lack of shell casings and fingerprints, and the clean and efficient manner of the killings suggest a professional hit.

Is there any evidence linking past cases to the current investigation?

Yes, a mysterious tape found at a crime scene and connections drawn by the investigative team link past judicial cases handled by Judge Gimball to the current investigation.

What leads to the suspicion of a wrongful execution?

The discovery of old files and evidence connected to past cases suggest a miscarriage of justice, pointing towards a possible wrongful execution.

How does the episode conclude in terms of the wrongful execution?

The episode concludes with the team managing to provide critical evidence just in time, leading to a last-minute clemency and preventing the wrongful execution.

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